Junior Cert Last Minute Tips for Exam!
The key is DON’T PANIC!!
We hope you find the following info useful – remember we are on Facebook and twitter to answer any questions you may have – like our page not to miss out on any advice! our Twitter is @PetitTweetCork
This part of the paper is worth almost HALF of all your marks so make sure you are listening to your french cd every waking minute til the exam itself!
Remember when you are revising your vocab – you are helping to improve your listening (45% of exam) and the reading comps ! This makes up over 2/3 of the marks!! So vocab learning is vital. The vocab you should be learning is the answers to the questions being asked – there is no need to learn every new word – just the words that are vital to the answers.
Revise the intro and ending to your letters so that you know these PERFECTLY! You will lose valuable marks for getting any spelling wrong. This equally applies to postcards and messages. The postcard / message is marked out of 30 whereas the letter is marked out of 50. Some students rush the postcard/ message not realising that this answer is worth over half of that of the letter – so make sure you spend time on it and don’t make it too short!
a few useful fillers –
A vrai dire – to tell the truth
describing something positive –
Heureusement – fortunately
j’ai de la chance – im lucky
something negative –
malheureusement – unfortunately
c’est dommage – thats a pity
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